A monster and a Master in the gallery
Ismae's most unbalanced cage match.
This month we add two new faces from Things They Buried to our gallery—one affably arrogant, the other straight from a nightmare. Jacob Walker’s illustrations of Master Hergis Savesti and Daughter are now available on ismae.com. And if you don’t know who either of them is, read the book! I promise Hergis will amuse and Daughter will horrify.
We’ve also added another sample chapter to our short fiction page, the scene from Aliara’s point of view that was highlighted in our website banner. Later this month, watch for a new entry in the “A Young Persons’ Guide to Ismae” series, this one featuring Aliara, one of Sylandair’s science textbooks, and an odd location for some casual reading.
Thank you to everyone who’s bought the novel or read on Kindle Unlimited. And an extra share of our gratitude to those of you who’ve not only made it through the whole 492 pages, but also left us reviews on Amazon and/or Goodreads. Those reviews are worth more to us than royalties. You’ve all made our launch more successful than we had hoped.