We love seeing this…

A great way to wake up.

It was so amazing to wake up and see ourselves tagged liked this. I can’t tell you how honored I am to be called out as a favorite female indie author and a favorite book of the year!

For those who also enjoyed Things They Buried, Sam Cooke reviews a lot of other books (indie and otherwise) you might like. She’s already turned me on to several good ones I would have just ignored if not for her recommendations (and she’s helped me avoid a couple stinkers). Check her out on Instagram as @readnext.

Amanda King

Amanda has worked for nearly thirty years in website development content writing, graphic design, and project management. She has worked for non-profits as well as for-profit organizations, and companies with as few as five employees all the way up to corporate giants. Amanda understands how to suss out a client’s needs, their users’ needs, and develop and execute an effective plan for achieving those goals.


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